Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Day 0 Introduction

Day 0 Introduction 

Today will be the day for the introduction of this blog.  It's the third of its kind.  I created the first one in May of 2010 when I took a group of Grenoble's Université Inter-Ages du Dauphiné students to the Far West, California and the National Parks.  The second one was for our trip to Louisiana in May of 2015.  It's my way of preparing the students who will be taking the trip and at the same time sharing the trip with others who can "travel" in front of their computers as we all discover a little information about our ENGLISH!

2017 -- > A trip to Wyoming with another group of 30 students, many of them learning English at UIAD.  In fact, we'll be in four states, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and Utah.  With this blog you can follow our 13-day itinerary which will be from June 16th to 28th.  We'll arrive in Denver and fly back home out of Salt Lake City, with lots to see and do in between.

This is Day 0, the introduction.  For now, I'm asking you to first go to the Louisiana blog to read the last entry which I wrote on May 9th, 2016.  A good transition from Louisiana to Wyoming.

It's a little long, with a Voice of America (VOA) link to read.  You have time.  The blog, Day 1 (D-60) will begin on Easter Day, Sunday April 16th, two months, 60 days, before we leave.  
So, Day 1 will be (D-60); Day 2 will be (D-59) and so on until the day we leave, June 16th.

Beginning on Easter Day, every day you can come to this blog for little bits of information about the places we are going to visit.

So come and join us!  Sometimes just a few sentences. Sometimes a paragraph.  Sometimes more.  Sometimes very easy English. Sometimes a little more complex. Sometimes I'll give you a site you can go to for more information. Sometimes you can read; sometimes you can see photos; sometimes you can listen.

Using your English to discover Wyoming, Yellowstone, The Grand Tetons, South Dakota and the Badlands, and much more.

A trip for everyone.

My best,

PS  Just click on the links to the other blogs to open them.  You can "travel" there too if you like!
--Grammar:  Don't forget the difference between "it's" and "its".

--Vocabulary: and so on =

1 comment:

  1. I'd be very happy to read your comments.
    Don't hesitate; participate.
